Saturday, April 18, 2009

My, but isn't this grand!: Tales of the Grand Canyon

At the very start of this trip (-though I feel as though I have hardly begun) I read Through Painted Deserts by Donald Miller. It seemed appropriate... And so it was. I really enjoyed it. At one point Donald and his traveling partner go to the Grand Canyon. They decide to hike to the bottom and camp then take two days to hike back up the canyon on the Bright Angel trail. This inspired me to do the same thing. Gee, if Donald Miller can do it, so can I!

I start doing research on hiking the Grand Canyon with Aunt Janet in the background telling me what a bad idea it is. It's grueling, she says. You're not prepared, she says... But if Donald Miller can do it, so can I! I navigate to the 'Safe Hiking Tips' page on the GC website and the very first tip- in bold- reads: Do not attempt to do this hike alone.


So Aunt Janet and I went up and camped for the night at the rim instead. It was such fun! We walked (drove) along one of the more touristy paths to see the canyon for a couple hours so I could take 4358998456 photos with my 7 cameras then headed back to the campground to make camp. 

While we were making s'mores it started to snow!! Fortunately, Aunt Janet brought her van so we didn't have to sleep in a tent. We were snug as bugs in rugs in the van with our down duvets and dogs to keep us toasty.

It was a great little trip.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Sounds fun! Too bad you didn't get to make S'meeps though. Maybe next time! xoxo