Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Capture My Heart Again

I used to write poetry. A lot of it. Most of it is pretty embarrassing, but some is decent... for a 16 year old.

On my Great American Road Trip God opened my eyes to the beauty in His creation. One night, at Castle Rock campground halfway between Yellowstone and Bozeman, Montana I sat in the back of my car watching the rain fall and contemplating God's creation. I wrote a prayer like a poem thinking of the Psalms. I figured I would go back to it, refine it, and maybe post it somewhere. I didn't.

Tonight in Bible study our lovely Erin opened us up in worship with the song Your Love is Extravagant. The Last line is 'Lord, capture my heart again.' I was immediately taken back to that moment. Coming out of Grand Tetons and Yellowstone, thinking about the big Montana sky and the rafting trip to come. I washed my face in the river and chopped firewood with my hatchet (then it rained! Oh well.)... My heart was captive to the beauty and glory of the Lord.

I'm back in Livermore now. God's love looks different here. It's love and sparkles in a latte (really), it's a snow cone, it's being nice to the creepy guy, it's girls Bible study, it's Derek leading worship... and it seems... less captivating. Easier to ignore, though no less real.


My Psalm (as written in the car that night)

Praise the LORD for His creation!!!
Father, Maker, Creator, Abba, LORD over all, Almighty, LOVE!
Thank You for Your creation, for Earth.
I know it didn't have to be this way,
But You delight in the beauty of the earth.
I can see now that all creation sings your praises.

Mountains point to You; they worship You in majesty.
Rivers bring life and sing your songs,
Waterfalls hint at Your power and rumble in praise.
Birds rejoice in songs,
Trees are sustained by You alone.

You are Life.
Thank You for sharing with me.

Teach me to love Your creation. To sing with the rivers and worship on mountians.

I love You, God. I love what You've made.
Thank you for finally giving me eyes to see!
May they never close again.


Glacier National Park, Montana


SarahSunshine said...

You should start writing poetry again.

Angela Watts said...

Love it! Beautiful!