Sunday, April 26, 2009

God is in New Orleans Part II

Sunset on the Mississippi

Last night I stayed with a friend of Tommy's (Tommy is Cynthia's boyfriend), she and her two roommates live about 10 miles east of the French Quarter. Everyone was home (and sunburned from the day's activities) when I arrived. We all (the roomies, me another visiter from Chicago) ended up sitting on the kitchen counters for a bit getting to know each other and catching up. It was great! There are so many wonderful people in our world. 

This morning I met the girls at church. They are part of a young church (been around for about three years, but has been meeting in a home until a few weeks ago) called The Gathering. It was a simple set up with really friendly people. I was introduced to a few girls and we got to talking.

As it turns out, I found myself in the middle of an incredible community of people! I had lunch (a lovely picnic in a park) with two girls that had been living in the area for a couple years. They told me more about their community. All of these people have been called from various parts of the country into New Orleans. Everyone I spoke to had originally come with a church youth group and decided to come back and stay. I'm not sure if they see themselves as missionaries, but they are. 

It was a beautiful Sunday and I met some beautiful people. Thanks, God.

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